Contact Us
Please fill out boxes below and click send to register for a class. Check your spam email if you haven't received an email.
If after sending email you do not receive a reply within 48 hours please resend or call. Sometimes replies may get sent to junk email box.
Please click the Buy Now button under the class description to submit deposit for class. Deposit is Required to hold your spot.
If you are placed on the standby list you you are waiting for a spot to come available due to a cancellation. You will notified by email when that happens.
CALL US with any questions
(678) 283-5104
Citizenship policy:
You will be required to show proper ID ( Drivers license or pass port) and fill out a form stating you are an American Citizen.
Privacy Policy:
4G Tactical does not share or sell any information we obtain from our clients. All information is used for the sole purpose of 4G Tactical only.
Equipment Policy:
No student will be permitted on the range without eye and hearing protection. If you have any questions on equipment please contact us we can help you. No open toe shoes will be allowed on the range during training.
Waivers Policy:
All students will be required to fill out a Liability Waivers prior to training. No student will be allowed to start or participate in any type of training conducted by 4G Tactical until a waiver is filled out.
All minors under the age of 18 must have a signed consent form from there parents or legal guardian.
Participation Policy:
If you have been convicted of a crime you may not register or participate in any course 4G Tactical offers. If you are under the influence of any medication that may effect your vision or your judgement you may not participate in any training conducted by 4G Tactical. 4G Tactical does not allow any use of alcohol or illegal substances to be used prior to or during training.
Cancellation policy:
All security deposits are non refundable if client cancels class or is a no show. If class is canceled for weather isssues class will be rescheduled with the clients consent of the new training day picked and security deposit will be transferred to new class.
Weapons Policy:
If you are shooting a weapon that requires proper government paperwork please have it in your presence while at the range.
If during training your weapon needs to be cleared of a malfunction or has mechanical issues. 4G Tactical and it's instructors shall not be held liable for any weapon damage that may happen to the weapon while Staff helps to clear the weapons system. 4G Tactical shall not be held liable for any weapon that is damaged during disassembly.
All visitors that are coming to the range with students who are not participating in training will be required to pay a $30 range fee. This only applies to classes held at South River Gun Club.